Announcing Everything Is Fine Now

I’ll have a new collection EVERYTHING IS FINE NOW out this winter from Omnium Gatherum featuring young adult characters–dark stories of adult interest but with no material unsuitable for YA readers. 25 stories including 2 originals and 2 collaborations...

Yours to Tell Excerpt

You can read the first chapter, “Why write?” of Melanie & Steve Tem’s Yours to Tell: Dialogues on the Art & Practice of Writing at the Apex Books website.

The Night Doctor and Others

Announcing a new collection from Centipede Press, The Night Doctor & Others, coming Spring 2019, part of a new line of more affordable hardcover originals. The Night Doctor collects 25 stories, including two unpublished originals, reflecting my best short horror...

Welcome to the New Website!

Welcome to my new website. Here you can read about my latest writings and activities, see some pictures, access my bibliography, contact me, or order books, ebooks, and audiobooks via the links provided on those pages. A link in the menu takes you to a special section...