Interview at Asimov’s SF Magazine From Earth to the Stars blog: https://fromearthtothestars.com/2022/02/18/qa-with-steve-rasnic-tem/?fbclid=IwAR1OFjm1LhrGMlGoqwpjngTebNNLUhcVy5iyTsuT94cMi4ziZoysXMXeRmc
Interview in Westword, Denver’s alternative weekly: https://www.westword.com/arts/steve-rasnic-tem-colorado-author-consumed-horror-11897235
YouTube interview at Visited By Voices Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBdaGPwwPxI&fbclid=IwAR3jps8mwqpsJ1xunb7u3gdrAv8AItxQSmLlXT0W4BLqq3p5PL0M7I3uBQA
The second half of my interview with the This Is Horror podcast: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tih-261-steve-rasnic-tem-on-figures-unseen-the-art-and-practice-of-writing-and-the-man-on-the-ceiling/?fbclid=IwAR3hCcIB5xDnHyRh4pkmweQN6dAnRqgUB8L5SXhW8GBVU6WRR5niN4gexek
The first half of my interview with the This Is Horror podcast: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tih-260-steve-rasnic-tem-on-secret-realities-city-fishing-and-early-life-lessons/
Interview at the Darkness Dwells podcast concerning my new collection Everything Is Fine Now, existential dread, love and loss, and a few writing tips.
Interviewed by Scott Edelman on the Eating the Fantastic podcast.
New interview concerning Doctor
New interview up on Kendall Reviews concerning my writing in general as well as The Mask Shop of Doctor
New interview at Cat After Dark concerning my new middle-grade novel The Mask Shop of Doctor
Read the long interview with Steve in the upcoming second issue of Thinking Horror: A Journal of Horror Philosophy.
June 2018 Interview with Steve on the Lovecraft eZine Podcast.
2018 Q&A at the Pan Review of the Arts concerning his new collection Figures Unseen.
2017 Interview with Steve at Civilian Reader.
2017 Interview with Steve at MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape.
2017 Interview with Steve for Dark Regions Press.
2015 Nightmare Interview with Steve.
2014 Interview with Melanie and Steve at the Odyssey website.
2014 Interview with Steve at SF Signal.
2014 Interview with Steve at Ginger Nuts of Horror.
2014 Interview with Steve at the Qwillery focusing on Blood Kin.
2014 Interview with Steve at My Bookish Ways focusing on Blood Kin.
2014 Interview with Steve by Lynda Rucker concerning his Swan River collection Here with the Shadows.
2013 Interview with Steve by Publishers Weekly.
2013 Interview with Steve by Joan de la Haye.
2012 Interview with Steve at This is Horror.
2012 Interview with Bob Neilson.
2011 Interview with Steve at Weird Fiction Review focusing on Deadfall Hotel.
2011 Ten Knives Interview with Steve.
2008 Interview with Melanie & Steve at Bibliophile Stalker.